Tuesday 4 June 2024

Blog Entry 5: Perlego and its AI Researcher

 (So here I am a day late writing my next blog in my personal challenge to write every day.  It isn't that I didn't write yesterday, it's just that it wasn't appropriate for this blog!

 Yes, I am still excited about Perlego and I have spent time every day since I discovered it, exploring its possibilities.  When you start poking around, the first thing you are likely to come across is the search bar.  You can use it in a traditional manner, looking for author, title, ISBN, etc. but more exciting still, is the AI Researcher.

I experimented with a research question and with key words and both were effective.  Below is a sample of the research question results: To what extent did the bombing of Hiroshima lead to the Japanese surrender in World War Two?

Keyword Search

The book results vary but that isn't surprising since the keyword search wasn't as focused as the research question search.

(I may update this blog tomorrow!)

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