Tuesday 28 May 2024

7 Draft Entries and Nothing to Show for Them!

 The last 7 draft entries in my blog haven't been finished.  Realising this, reminded me of a writing project I got involved in about 6 or 7 years ago.  The idea was to write 200+ words a day, every day.  I can't remember how long we planned to do this but I managed it for a month at least.  I have several blogs so the results of this 200+ challenge must be somewhere.  However, reading them isn't the point of this entry, which I plan on finishing!  It is to set a similar challenge to anyone who is interested.  I do know that the more I write, the more I write, if you follow that.  Not only do I start to write longer pieces but they get better.  (Thank goodness, my inner voice is saying!).   

Here is what I suggest.  Commit to write 150+ words on your life as a librarian and post it on a blog, the link to which you can share in this Facebook group.  Commit to it for at least 4 days out of 7, more if you can.  Read the blogs of others and perhaps have your blog entry be a response to someone else's from time to time.

Let's start a conversation!

(208 words! Now that wasn't hard!)

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